
Due Diligence Services

Whether it is a significant restructuring event or a potential transaction that involves fundraising, selling or buying, our approach to due diligence can help get under the skin of what drives profit (Quality of Earnings) and, ultimately, cash within a business (whilst factoring in the key commercial considerations such as Working Capital).

Our due diligence processes involve a thorough but collaborative approach, working in a buy-side or sell-side capacity. The bottom line is that we seek to help increase the chances of a successful transaction by providing quality due diligence that provides reliance on the sustainability of an investment, drives attention to potential growth opportunities and demonstrates how an investor can add additional value. All of this while highlighting the key risk areas that need to be managed.

Buyside due diligence is an essential part of any business transaction. For buyers, our teams can conduct the comprehensive review you need to make a well-informed decision about the viability of a proposed sale or purchase. Our independence, experience, commercial approach, attention to detail and objectivity provides increased confidence and supports clear decision making.

When bringing a business to market, a vendor due diligence process can maintain a competitive edge in transactions. This involves reviewing and validating trading performance and adjustments prior to issuing information to potential buyers, thus minimizing risks later in the process. This allows the seller to front load the due diligence process and reduces the workload during the sales process – ensuring a smoother transaction process.